Royal Flush In Poker Means
Getting a royal flush is the hardest hand to obtain when playing poker online or in a casino. If you’re wondering what your odds are of being dealt a royal flush and other hands, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve developed this page to equip you with all the information you need to know about your poker hand odds.
In this detailed guide about your odds of being dealt a royal flush and other hands while playing poker, we’ll provide you with tons of information. You can check out the preview below to get an idea of everything we’ll cover. Feel free to click on one of these section titles if you want to jump ahead.
Definition of royal flush a poker hand with the ace, king, queen, jack, and 10 all in the same suit Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver. We've listed any clues from our database that match your search. Royal flush definition: 1. In card games, a set of all the five highest cards in one suit 2. In card games, a set of all.
Breakdown of Potential Poker Hands
Before we dive into royal flush odds and other hands, we wanted to first ensure you’ve got a good understanding of the different hands possible when playing poker. Check out the sections below to look over all the different poker hands. We’ve listed them in the order of their rank when playing the game.
No Pair
This one should be pretty obvious. In casino poker and online poker, if you don’t have a single pair or higher in your hand, you have what’s considered a “no pair” hand. In this case, your hand’s value will depend on the highest card you’ve got.
Single Pair
If you end up getting a one pair hand, it means you’ve got two card values that match in your hand. For example, if you have two 4s, you have a single pair of 4s. While this isn’t a powerful poker hand, it does outrank anyone who has a no pair hand.
Two Pair
Kicking things up a slight notch from a single pair would be a two pair hand. In this scenario, you have two sets of matching card values. As an example, if you have two Ks and two 10s in your hand, it would be a two pair hand. In turn, it would outrank any players with just a single pair or no pair.
Three of a Kind
As the name implies, a poker hand that counts as three of a kind has three cards of the same value. For example, if you have three jacks in your hand, this would create a three of a kind poker hand. If you end up with the three of a kind hand, you’ll have a better hand than no pair, single pair, and two pair hands.
Straight (Not Royal or Flush)
Up next on the poker hand rank scale is a straight. Here, we’re only focused on standard straights, which means we’re not counting straights that are either flush or royal in nature (more on those in a moment). To make a straight, you’ll need all five cards in your hand to be in sequential order. As an example, if you had A, 2, 3, 4, and 5, you’d have a straight poker hand.

Flush (Not Straight or Royal)
Topping out straights and the other hands below it, a flush is another form of a poker hand. With a flush, you’ll have all five cards of your poker hand of the same suit. As an example, if all five cards in your hand are spades, you have a flush. For this particular hand, your cards do not count as a straight flush or a royal flush. We’ll touch on each of those below.
Full House
The next hand up the poker hand ranking scale is a full house. To make a full house with your hand, you’ll need to have a three of a kind paired with a two of a kind. If you have three 10’s and two 5’s, you’d have a full house.
Royal Flush In Poker Means In Stock

Four of a Kind
One of the toughest hands to get when playing poker is a four of a kind. Here, you’ll need to have four cards of the same value in your hand. As an example, if you had four queens in your hand, you’ll have made a four of a kind poker hand. With four of a kind, there are only two other poker hands that can beat you.
Straight Flush (Not Royal)
Second from the top of the best poker hands possible is the straight flush. The flush portion of this name implies you’ll need all your cards to be of the same suit. However, to make a straight flush, they also must be in sequential order. For example, having 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the same suit would provide you with a straight flush poker hand.
Royal Flush
The king of all poker hands is the royal flush. With a royal flush, it’s essentially a very specific straight flush. For starters, all your five cards must be the same suit. On top of that, it must be the 10, J, Q, K, and A of a particular suit to complete the royal flush.
Poker Hand Odds for Five-Card Games
Up first, we wanted to start by presenting you with your odds of being dealt a royal flush and other hands when playing five-card games of poker. Most notably, this will include Five-Card Stud Poker. We’ve included a chart below which showcases your odds of being dealt each hand in conjunction with the potential combinations and associated probability.
One thing worth noting is that the chart below showcases your odds of having one of the hands in a five-card poker game. This data does not account for any possibilities of wild cards or draws, which may be present in select games like Five-Card Draw.
Poker Hand | Odds | Combinations | Probablity |
Royal Flush | 1 in 649,740 | 4 | 0.00015% |
Straight Flush | 1 in 72,192 | 36 | 0.00139% |
Four of a Kind | 1 in 4,165 | 624 | 0.02401% |
Full House | 1 in 693 | 3,744 | 0.14406% |
Flush | 1 in 508 | 5,108 | 0.19654% |
Straight | 1 in 254 | 10,200 | 0.39246% |
Three of a Kind | 1 in 46.2 | 54,912 | 2.11285% |
Two Pair | 1 in 21 | 123,552 | 4.75390% |
Single Pair | 1 in 1.37 | 1,098,240 | 42.25690% |
No Pair | 1 in 0.995 | 1,302,540 | 50.11774% |
Chart Labels
- Odds: The odds of being dealt the particular poker hand in a five-card game.
- Combinations: How many different ways the poker hand can be made using all 52 cards in the deck.
- Probability: The statistical probability of being dealt the hand in a five-card poker game.
As you can see from the chart above, you’ve got the highest chance of being dealt a no pair or single pair hand when playing a five-card variant of poker online or in a casino. Interestingly, there’s roughly a 50% chance you won’t have a pair or better.
However, you can see just how tough it can be to get some of the other higher-ranking poker hands. Even two pair hands only happen about 5% of the time. And if you’re hoping for a royal flush, the odds of it happening are minuscule.
Things More Likely to Happen Than Being Dealt a Royal Flush
Since the royal flush is the hardest poker hand to achieve, we wanted to provide you with some visualizations to help you grasp just how rare it is. Check out the list of things below, which are more likely to happen to you than being dealt a royal flush when playing a five-card variant of poker.
Getting in a Car Accident
1 in 103
Getting Audited by the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
1 in 175
Winning an Academy Award
1 in 11,500
Losing an Appendage
in a Chainsaw-Related Accident
1 in 4,464
Going to the ER
With a Pogo Stick-Related Injury
1 in 103
Poker Hand Odds for Seven-Card Games

Up next, we wanted to provide you with royal flush odds and other poker hands when playing seven-card versions of poker. If you’re into games like Seven-Card Stud and No Limit Texas Hold’em, this is the section for you.
While the addition of two extra cards to work with doesn’t sound like much to some, it creates a dramatic difference. Instead of just 2,598,960 potential hand combinations, playing poker with seven cards brings the possibility of 133,784,560 hands. That means there are more than 50 times as many possible hand combinations thanks to those extra two cards in play!
This chart focuses on your odds of being dealt one of these hands in a game of seven-card poker. As with the previous five-card section, the poker probability and odds below do not take into account wild cards and draws from specific versions of poker.
Poker Hand | Odds | Combinations | Probablity |
Royal Flush | 1 in 30,939 | 4,324 | 0.00323% |
Straight Flush | 1 in 3,589 | 37,260 | 0.02785% |
Four of a Kind | 1 in 594 | 224,848 | 0.16807% |
Full House | 1 in 37.5 | 3,473,183 | 2.59610% |
Flush | 1 in 32.1 | 4,047,644 | 3.02549% |
Straight | 1 in 20.6 | 6,180,020 | 4.82987% |
Three of a Kind | 1 in 19.7 | 6,461,620 | 23.49554% |
Two Pair | 1 in 3.26 | 31,433,400 | 23.49554% |
Single Pair | 1 in 1.28 | 58,627,800 | 43.82255% |
No Pair | 1 in 4.74 | 23,294,460 | 17.41192% |
Chart Labels
- Odds: The odds of being dealt the particular poker hand in a seven-card game.
- Combinations: How many different ways the poker hand can be made using all 52 cards in the deck.
- Probability: The statistical probability of being dealt the hand in a seven-card poker game.
Immediately, you’ll probably notice how much better your odds of getting most hands are. In the next section, we’ll provide you with even more information about how much better your chances are for each of these hands if you play a seven-card variant instead of a five-card one.
Thanks to the additional two cards, offering you the chance to make your best five-card hand, there are more potential combinations which can help you improve your starting hand.
How Much Better Your Odds Are Playing Seven-Card Poker
Now that we’ve broken down the difference in royal flush odds and other poker hands between five- and seven-card poker games, we wanted to help you visualize just how much better your odds are when playing a seven-card game. Check out the chart below to see why you might opt to choose a seven-card game if you’re hoping to land a significant hand like a royal or straight flush.
Poker Hand | Percentage Increase |
Royal Flush | 2000.00% |
Straight Flush | 1910.64% |
Four of a Kind | 600.00% |
Full House | 1702.13% |
Flush | 1439.38% |
Straight | 1077.02% |
Three of a Kind | 128.60% |
Two Pair | 394.24% |
Single Pair | 3.71% |
No Pair | -65.26% |
As you can see from the chart above, there’s a 2000% greater chance you’ll get a royal flush when playing a seven-card poker game instead of a five-card game. Other hands which have an increased chance of happening when you’re playing a seven-card variant of poker include the straight flush, full house, flush, and straight.
Interestingly, there’s one hand where you have a lower chance of getting it when playing a seven-card game of poker instead of a five-card game. That hand is the no pair hand. Intuitively, this makes sense since there are increased chances you’ll make at least a pair thanks to the expanded cards you’re playing with. In this case, your chance of getting a no pair hand is 65% less when playing a seven-card game as opposed to a five-card one.
Wrap Up
Thanks for stopping in to check out this page about poker probability and the odds of being dealt a royal flush when playing online poker and casino poker. If you’re planning to play poker soon, don’t miss our complete guide to real money poker. In it, you’ll find all sorts of helpful information, including terminology, strategies, and so much more.
If you enjoyed this page about the odds of getting a royal flush, you might also enjoy other pages we’ve developed in this series. Check out the choices below to explore some of our other “What Are the Odds?” pages.
Royal Flush – The highest possible hand in a poker game without wild cards, A-K-Q-J-T of the same suit.A Royal Flush is the highest possible straight flush, an Ace high straight flush. It is composed of A-K-Q-J-T, all of the same suit. It is the highest possible hand in most poker games in which wild cards are not used. In games where wild cards are in play, five of a kind beats a Royal Flush. In this type of game, a Royal Flush that is completed without wild cards is referred to as a “natural royal flush.”A Royal Flush is frequently referred to as a “Royal.”

A Royal is a very rare and difficult hand to complete. In a seven card poker game like Hold’em or Seven Card Stud, you will be dealt a royal flush once every 30,940 hands. This means that on any given hand you have a 0.003232% of being dealt a Royal Flush. Also consider that during the course of play you may muck some of these Royals because you will not be playing every hand all the way to the river. This means that you will actually make a Royal even more infrequently. Of course, if you are playing in a game with wild cards, your odds for hitting a Royal Flush increase. As the number of wild cards in play increase, so do the odds of hitting a Royal.
Because a Royal Flush is such a rare and special hand to complete, it often plays a role in casino poker promotions. Some poker rooms will give you a logoed jacket, hat, or some other swag upon completing a Royal. In addition to this it can also be a jackpot hand if the casino you are playing in offers either a bad beat jackpot or a Monte Carlo board. A bad beat jackpot occurs when a player takes an astronomically rare and awful beat, the exact terms of which vary from casino to casino, and are dictated in the house rules. These terms are known as the “jackpot qualifier.” Typically, the qualifier for a bad beat jackpot is either aces full of something beaten by four of a kind or better, or simply four of a kind or better beaten. Since a Royal Flush is the highest possible poker hand, it can be one of the hands that hit the bad beat jackpot, making it even more exciting to complete.
Some casinos offer a Monte Carlo Board either instead of or in addition to a bad beat jackpot. A Monte Carlo Board is a jackpot promotion in which players are awarded cash prizes for making difficult to complete hands, typically four of a kind or better. Each possible four of a kind and straight flush is awarded a cash prize. Sometimes these cash prizes are progressive, which means that they increase daily until they are hit, and then are reset with a seed amount. Usually the royal Flush pays more than the other hands on the board. Typically, the prizes on the Monte Carlo Board are smaller than the bad beat jackpot, but they only require one strong hand to hit, rather than two strong hands at the same time.
Royal Flush Poker Hand
In most casino poker games, the different suits are considered equally when ranking hands. If two hands are otherwise equally ranked, yet contain different suits, then the hand will be considered to be of the same rank, and the difference in suits will be ignored. For example, if two players in a Seven Card Stud game both make Royal Flushes in different suits, they would both have the same hand and would chop the pot. In a Seven Card Stud game, it is very rare for two players to make identical flushes or straight flushes during the same hand, so the situation rarely arises. In a flop game where community cards are used, like Hold’em, it is not possible for two or more players to make the same flush or straight flush, so the situation never arises. In some of the more exotic home games, suits may be the basis for hand rankings, but it is the exception rather than the rule.Although suits are not typically considered when ranking hands in casino poker games, there is a natural, historical ranking of the suits. The traditional ranking of the suits, from low to high, is clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. Some casinos use this ranking for other purposes, like extra chip distribution, table breaking order or seat reassignment during tournament play, and other areas where a random determinant is needed.
Because spades are technically the highest ranking suit, there is a special cultural attachment to a Royal Flush completed in spades. This is why a Royal Flush is frequently depicted as being in spades in popular culture. It can represent power, strength, wealth, and exceptionalism.
Royal Flush In Poker Means 3
Usage: Spade Royal, Flopped A Royal Flush, Royal Flush Probability Texas Holdem